Before you suffer sticker shock, please realize that these pods are ma
de from aircraft grade aluminum with all welded construction. They aren't 2x2's and Elmer's Glue.
The skin is .120" thickness with 1x2 aluminum studs, rafters and b
loor joists. We didn't spare on the strength aspects.
The AmeriDeck SuperDeck III is shipped separately or can be shipped to the AmeriPod factory for installation with the pod. The SuperDeck III for this pod is 6'6" long and sells for $4,380.
My installation has a 12" AmeriDeck Extension added to provide a "door step" and beaver-tail ramp up to the 7' long pod. The extension is $530.
AmeriPod model 1.6-18 $9,132
SuperDeck III $4,380 + freight
12" Extension $ 530
Total intro price $14,042.00 + freight
In most states this is considered a slide-in truck camper and does not require registration. Each unit is issued a VIN by the factory.

Retail price: $4,300
Adding a 32" wide side door is an additional $538

This is not always in stock and therefore can be customized and manufactured to meet your needs.
!4k !!! your stoned !!!